Transparency mechanisms

Accountability helps us to grow and is an obligation to the entire social base that supports us

We believe that accountability transparency is an obligation to our social base that support and follow us, to promote their participation and involvement. It is clearly a key element for confidence, which in addition, is a keystone enabling our growth and strengthening our goal: ensuring the universal right to health. Our transparency mechanisms are:

In order to accomplish the transparency and good governance objectives, FM informs you about the management of the deposits and donations, how they were used as well as the results that were obtained.

The sources of funding are both public and private. Our private sources are comprised of membership fees, donors, partners and different fund-raising campaigns, such as the Christmas solidary lottery & Emergency and Humanitarian Aid Funds (FAHE), which represented the 48% of the total income in 2016.

The remaining 52% comes from government subsidies and agreements with public agencies and institutions.

Fund Sources 2016

According to the Spanish Law 49/2002, 70% of the funds obtained are directed to social purposes of the company. Click here to read more about our Statutes.

Funds Allocation 2016

This data is reported to the external audit of our annual accounts and is reflected in our reports that are issued to each of our project’s funders and donors. The accounts are published and deposited in the Ministry of Interior and the Valencia Mercantile Register yearly.

Listed below we provide to our interest groups, members, donors, partners, etc. and any interested person, the Audited Annual Accounts by the company Juan Carlos Tomas – Auditors, S. L.

External control systems

Audit reports and qualifications

  1. Account and financial audit by the company J. C. Tomás – Auditores, S. L., which results we have mentioned within the previous point Straight Accounts.n More info
  2. Qualification from the Spanish Agency for the Co-operation and International Development (AECID), who examine our accounts, project management and good government since 2009. They certify our organization as a Non-Governmental Organization for the Development (ONGD) specialized in health, to be eligible for theirs calls for development agreements. More info
  3. Spanish Coordinator of Non-Governmental Organization for Development (CONGDE). In 2012 we received Transparency Tools and Good Government Related to NGOD. More info
  4. Evaluations of our projects of international cooperation and humanitarian action. More info
  5. Standardization and certification Spanish Association (AENOR) certifies the Logistic Humanitarian Department (ALH) since 2006 to the present, as an international dealer of medicines, medical supplies and humanitarian aid equipment via ISO 9001. More info
  6. European Commission’s Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) since 2013 and biannual disposition. More info
  7. Quality Medicines for everyone (QUAMED) since 2013 and biannual disposition. More info



Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID). Certification as NGO qualified. Download

Spanish Coordinator of NGO for Development (CONGDE). Download


Recognised as a Humanitarian Procurement Centre (HPC) by the European Commission’s Directorate. General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO). This is the Humanitarian Aid Department and Civil Protection of the European Commission whose mandate is to save and preserve life, reduce or prevent human suffering and safeguard the integrity and dignity of populations affected by natural disasters, crisis and war conflicts. Download

Quality Medicines for All (QUAMED). Improves access to quality medicines, providing awareness to the agency’s involved with the supply of medicines, strengthening the procedures and quality control systems of purchases with their associates. Download

  1. Strategic Plan. Since 2004 Farmamundi management is governed by a strategical plan that guides our future across different editions. We facilitate continuous improvement of our social mission and internal management. We have committing ourselves to planning annual goals which are accompanied by an economic budget that is validated by our governing board on a yearly basis. At the same time, this validation must be supported by procedures of good management and the quality policy which obligates and ensures the impartiality of the governing board members. Currently we are developing the 3rd edition. Download the latest Farmamundi strategic plan
  2. Management and Quality Control. The integrated management and Quality Control system ensures policies and procedures to help a proper systematization and standardization of the internal processes, which ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of resources invested and the suitability of medicines and sanitary equipment supplied, including all facets from the purchase and storage to the worldwide delivery locations. Check our quality policy here or for further information contact us:
  3. Financial Management Policy. Guidelines are defined regarding the marketing fundraising, destination and management of funds based on the existing needs and respecting the donors’ wishes. Download
  4. Privacy Policy. In 2009 we develop the security procedure that integrates the technical and organizational actions needed to ensure the protection, confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of the information systems of Farmamundi, in accordance with the Royal Decree 1720/2007, December 21st, approving the Regulation for the Development of the Data Protection Law (LOPD) on Spain. Check more information about the Data Protection here.
  5. Management policy inquiries, suggestions and complaints. The objective of this policy is to establish mechanisms to identify potential risks and / or conflict of interest or otherwise, as well as areas for improvement in our internal management as part of its continuous improvement process; in order to reinforce our commitment to our stakeholders. You can read the full document in spanish here. Download here the form of questions and suggestions in Spanish. Download here the claim form in Spanish. Contact us:

Farmamundi’s Code of conduct. More info

Volunteer’s Moral Code. In order to meet our volunteer’s expectations and to ensure the efficiency of their invaluable contributions, Farmamundi has created the volunteers code that collects the commitment and duties of both sides. More info

Non-Governmental Organization Coordinater for the Development in Spain (CONGDE). We subscribe the code of conduct approved by the Ordinary General Meeting (AGO) in March 28th 1998, reviewed by the AGO in April 16th 2005 and adopted in the Meeting in March 29th 2008, and modified in the Ordinary General Meeting in March 20th 2014. More info.

Sphere Project. Farmamundi as an organization “subscribes and shares the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards for the humanitarian response knows as Sphere Project” that includes our determination as an organization to improve both the efficiency of the humanitarian assistance that we provide and our accountability to the interested parties”. More info

Code of conduct related to disasters call cases of the International Red Cross Movement, the Red Crescent and other NGO. More info

Fundraising Spanish Asociation(AEFR). More info