Quality medicines and humanitarian logistics

Non-profit international distributor of medicines, medical supplies and equipment for humanitarian aid

Farmacéuticos Mundi developed in 1997 the Humanitarian Logistic Department (Área Logística Humanitaria, ALH), the first international Spanish non-profit distributor of humanitarian health assistance aiming to provide healthcare supplies in international cooperation and development programmes, emergencies and humanitarian action.

We are specialists in the distribution of medicines, medical devices and equipment. Our main supply scheme responds to the World Health Organization (WHO) Model List of Essential Medicines, who prioritises the use of the most cost-efficient molecules and the use of international hospital packs, labelled with the international non-proprietary name in three languages and always with an adequate expiry date.

In January 2016, ALH was accredited as a wholesale distributor of pharmaceuticals under customs supervision. This improves our distribution service by offering medicines at the most competitive prices and allows ALH to meet the demand of medicines and specific therapies required in developing countries.

Supply of medicines

In order to ensure an optimal service, we are subject to external controls and are regularly audited by different national and international entities. In accordance with our Quality Policy, Farmamundi is certified according to the following standardized models:

  • Principles and Procedures for Humanitarian Procurement Centres (HPC) recognized since December 2012 by the Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO).
  • Model Quality Assurance System (MQAS) for procurement agencies of medicines, vaccines and nutraceuticals for human use (WHO model), audited since 2013 by ECHO and QUAMED.
  • Good Distribution Practices (GDP) (Guidelines of 7 March 2013/C68/01 of the European Commission), certified by the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios, AEMPS) certified since January 2016.
  • Quality Certification ISO 9001:2008 granted since 2009.
  • Principle of Ethical Procurement: We prequalify suppliers after verifying the absence of corrupt and fraudulent practices and their respect to basic social rights.
  • Principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination: We follow WHO recommendations with regards to the unimpeded access and transparency in our tenders.
  • Prequalifying suppliers: Prequalification procedures for both products and suppliers according to MQAS guidelines to ensure the quality of the purchased medicines.
  • Conflict of interests’ prevention: Mandatory to anyone involved in the purchase of medicines and supplies.
  • Quality Assurance: WHO and EU models of quality assurance are followed in terms of purchasing, storage , distribution and other related processes .

We are experts in the distribution of quality medicines, healthcare material and medical equipment at cost prices. We provide worldwide humanitarian aid and assist our customers with the customs formalities, providing all the relevant authorisations/certificates required for each shipment.

Our service philosophy aims to simplify the work of donors and healthcare programme managers, minimizing the costs and providing the maximum benefit to the healthcare aid recipients. Our experience is devoted to international cooperation; we take part in different healthcare programmes in developing countries. Our permanent emergency stock allows us to offer an immediate response in case of disaster. We provide worldwide coverage and have shipped pharmaceutical aid to more than 60 countries.

More info

Do you want to receive more information about the Logistics Area of ​​Farmamundi or how to collaborate in the non-profit distribution of essential medicines and basic sanitary material to guarantee the right to health of people around the world? You can contact to ​​Farmamundi at (+34) 963 18 64 34 or at our headquarters, at the Parque Tecnológico, Calle Johannes Gutenberg, number 5, 46980 Paterna (Valencia, Spain) or by sending us an email.