Who we are

NGO with extensive experience in promoting holistic health and pharmaceutical assistance

Farmacéuticos Mundi (Farmamundi) is an NGO development cooperation, humanitarian action and emergency with extensive experience in promoting holistic health and pharmaceutical assistance to disadvantaged countries. Although he started working in 1991 in Valencia (Spain) as a solidarity association with different name and scope in the early years, it was not until July 2, 1993 when it was established as NGO, with headquarters in Valencia. Nowadays, we are the first non-profit organization specializing in supplying our country and pharmaceutical aid to humanitarian organizations and developing countries.

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The governing bodies are the General Assembly NGO partners and the National Governing Board. These governing bodies mark the strategic lines of action and monitor the daily management carried out by a team of professionals from different areas of work that currently are: development projects, humanitarian aid and emergencies; Humanitarian Logistics area (for the supply of medicines and medical equipment to other organizations); Administration and finance; Partners and Fundraising; Communication and Marketing; and Awareness and Health Education.

To Farmamundi its social base is the set of persons, groups and entities that identification with the vision, mission, values and principles of development NGOs are involved to help meet its objectives actively, consciously and with desire for continuity.

Our commitment

Help ensure that health is a universal right for the most vulnerable populations in impoverished countries through cooperative actions that promote sustainable development processes, campaigns development education and advocacy, with emphasis on access to essential medicines and through professional distribution of medicines, medical materials and equipment, all, seeking solidarity involvement of the social environment.

The NGO in this plan confirms its previous view: Be a pharmaceutical ONGD reference and self-sufficient, to achieve:

  • people and vulnerable social groups to exercise their right to health and have a universal and equitable health care.
  • a significant representation in the Spanish pharmaceutical sector.
  • donor base and growing and faithfuly funders.
  • distribution of pharmaceuticals and efficient, sustainable and growing health material.
  • have a relevant role as a pharmaceutical organization in the system of establishing public health policies, especially in terms of access and quality of medicines.

And all this is a direct result of their good work and their results.

The values and principles are a set of beliefs, benefits and foundational rules act of the NGO that differentiate it from others.

Therefore our action is always guided by a set of values and guiding principles that can be summarized as follows:

  • Implication.-provide a viable future for the people of impoverished countries, favoring an improvement in their health structures in the medium and long term.
  • Service.- provide effective pharmaceutical quality aid and organizations working in health projects of development cooperation, humanitarian crisis and emergency
  • sectorial and geographical specialization of interventions, conceiving them as instruments of organizational strengthening and development of local capacities.
  • The strategy of partnership for development that is based on a horizontal and stable relation between Farmamundi and partner organizations, underpinned by mutual trust and demand.
  • Respect the culture and customs of our local partners.
  • Working model based on transparency, professionalism, effectiveness and ongoing management evaluation.
  • Quality of service and networking.
  • Fairness and equal opportunities between men and women.
  • Defence of Human Rights.